« Teplo Official Tea Leaves » Wins the 2023 Good Design Award!
This article summarizes the details of the Good Design Award received by « Teplo Official Tea Leaves » and provides an overview of the product.

Good Design Award 2023 Overview
Product Details
The teplo Official Tea Leaves are loose leaf tea designed to be enjoyed fresh with every brew. Only non-aromatic leaves are used, and each serving is individually packaged to maintain freshness. Scanning the QR code on the package with the official app displays information about the tea and allows for brewing settings on the « teplo Teapot, » a tea maker provided by the company.
Designer: Hiroaki Nishimura, President, Nishimura Taku Design Co., Ltd. (www.hndi.co.jp)
Design Highlights
- Exclusive Use of Non-Aromatic Leaves: The range includes only non-aromatic tea leaves, allowing enjoyment of the tea’s diverse flavors, which vary by origin, variety, and production method.
- Individually Packaged for Freshness: Each package contains a single serving sized for a typical 300ml teapot, contributing to waste reduction while ensuring fresh tea with every brew.
- Compatibility with Company Tea Maker: The QR code on the package facilitates easy brewing settings with the company’s tea maker.
Judges’ Comments
The design proposes an optimal way to enjoy high-quality, non-aromatic tea. The necessity of individual packaging to preserve freshness and aroma is evident, and the portion size is precisely tailored for teapot use. The simple packaging, contrary to the diverse characteristics of the tea, includes a QR code for detailed tea information and brewing settings, reflecting thoroughness in design.
Award Page
[teplo Official Tea Leaves: Articles Overview]
■ Sharing the Vision Behind teplo Official Tea Leaves
■ The Journey of Creating teplo Official Tea Leaves (3-Part Series)
■ Discussing the Features of teplo Official Tea Leaves
■ Explaining Why teplo Official Tea Leaves Are Packaged as Single-Serve Packs
■ Discussing the Commitment to Delivering teplo Official Tea Leaves in a Fresh State
If You’re Interested in teplo Official Tea Leaves…
You can purchase them on the teplo official website or on Amazon.
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