Edellinen artikkeli. Edellisessä artikkelissa selitimme eroja senchan ja vihreän teen välillä. Tässä artikkelissa selitämme hojichan.

To be precise, hojicha is indeed a type of green tea. You might be surprised since hojicha does not look green at all.
So, why can hojicha be considered a type of green tea? Hojicha is made by roasting (or roasting) sencha, bancha, or stem tea. Since sencha, bancha, and stem tea are all types of green tea, the tea made from these through additional processing is also considered a type of green tea.
Moreover, hojicha comes in various forms depending on the degree of roasting, the roasting method, and the type of tea leaves used. For lightly roasted hojicha, which often retains some of the greenish (green tea-like) characteristics of the tea leaves before processing, it is often better to brew it at a slightly lower temperature rather than boiling water. For deeply roasted hojicha, which brings out a pronounced roasted aroma, brewing with boiling water to enhance the aroma might be preferable. Experimenting with extraction temperatures (and extraction times) according to the degree of roasting can be enjoyable.
Teplo also offers both lightly roasted and deeply roasted hojicha:
- CAVE AGED HOJI: Lightly roasted hojicha
- DARK ROAST HOJI: Deeply roasted hojicha
If you’re interested, please give them a try!
Note: While in some regions, bancha is considered the same as hojicha, here bancha refers to tea made from leaves harvested after the new shoots or from larger, tougher leaves.

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