Margaret’s Hope Tea Estate Darjeeling Tea: Its History and How to Brew It Deliciously


Darjeeling tea is renowned worldwide. In this article, we will introduce the characteristics and history of the « Margaret’s Hope Tea Estate » in Darjeeling, India, as well as how to brew it deliciously.

The History and Origin of the Name « Margaret’s Hope »

In the 1930s, Margaret, the daughter of the estate’s owner, visited the tea estate from England. Enchanted by the beauty of the land, she promised to return. However, on her journey back to England, Margaret passed away on the ship. In his grief, Margaret’s father renamed the estate from Ringstrong to Margaret’s Hope, which is the origin of the estate’s name.

The tea leaves we will introduce for brewing have the appearance shown in the photo below and are classified as Second Flush Orange Pekoe.

Appearance of Tea Leaves and Brewed Tea

The tea leaves are brown, characteristic of the Second Flush, and are of a size that exemplifies Orange Pekoe. The brewed tea has a translucent russet brown color, balancing the robust strength and youthful delicacy typical of Darjeeling tea.

Flavor Profile

The flavor is a traditional Darjeeling tea taste with a well-balanced combination of sweetness, bitterness, and acidity.

Aromatic Characteristics

The distinctive muscatel flavor, which is one of the biggest features of Darjeeling, along with a hint of fresh floral and green grass notes, is characteristic of this tea.

Extraction conditions

Tea leaves amount: 3g (1-2 teaspoons)  
Water amount: 300ml
Extraction temperature: 95°C
Extraction time: 3.5 minutes

teplo teapotBy using the teplo teapot, you can automatically extract tea under optimal conditions. If you’re interested, be sure to check it out.

Enjoy a wonderful tea time while reflecting on the history of Margaret’s Hope Tea Estate.



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