Unexpectedly Unknown? How to Serve Tea to Guests


In the previous article, we explained how to enjoy tea when served in a covered teacup (yunomi). Today, we will explain how to serve tea to guests.

[Point 1: Do Not Place Tea Cups on a Saucer When Carrying on a Tray]

When you carry tea cups set on saucers, they are prone to slipping or shifting, which can cause the tea to spill onto the saucer. To avoid making a mess or staining your guests’ attire, carry the tea cups without placing them on saucers.

[Point 2: Wipe the Bottom of the Tea Cup with a Cloth Before Placing it on the Saucer]

Wiping the bottom of the tea cup before serving is a considerate gesture to prevent staining the guests’ attire. Perform this task on a lower table or an empty space on the table.

[Point 3: Serve from the Top Seat First]

Serve from the top seat and then move on to serve others. It is polite to hold the saucer with both hands while serving.

[Point 4: Position the Tea Cup’s Design Facing the Guest]

If the tea cup has a design on the inside or outside, make sure the design faces the guest. When the saucer has a wood grain pattern, position the grain horizontally relative to the guest. (This applies to all items with a wood grain pattern, not just saucers.)

Serving tea involves various considerations based on the location, occasion, timing, table size, and whether a tray is used. While adhering to basic manners, it is best to be flexible and adapt to the situation as needed.

That’s it for serving tea!



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