What is the scent of Earl Grey? Here’s an explanation and a guide to making it deliciously.


Earl Grey tea has a wonderfully aromatic scent, doesn’t it? By the way, do you know what this scent is?

The aroma you associate with Earl Grey tea is actually the scent of bergamot. Bergamot is not very familiar in Japan. It originates from Italy and is quite bitter, so it is rarely eaten raw. Instead, it is mostly used for its fragrance.

Earl Grey tea doesn’t have a specific tea base that must be used, so various teas such as Keemun or Darjeeling can be used as the base. The character of Earl Grey can vary significantly depending on the combination of bergamot essential oil or flavorings and the base tea, so it’s fun to experiment with different options.

Finally, here are the optimal brewing conditions for making delicious Earl Grey tea using a teapot.

How to Brew Delicious Earl Grey Tea:

  • Tea leaves: 5g (2 teaspoons)
  • Water: 350ml
  • Brewing temperature: 100°C
  • Brewing time: 3 minutes

To fully enhance the aroma, be sure to brew it with boiling water!



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