Professional soccer player, coach, and entrepreneur Keisuke Honda has been appointed as the official ambassador for teplo starting January 2023.

- Background of the Ambassador Appointment
Founded in the U.S. in 2015 with the mission of « delivering delicious tea to people around the world, » our company is a challenger in the tea industry, focusing on technology development and service operations. Keisuke Honda, a current professional soccer player and coach with a strong entrepreneurial spirit who labels himself a « challenger, » resonated with our unconventional approach of combining « tea and technology » to take on global challenges. This led to his appointment as the official ambassador. Together with Ambassador Honda, we will continue to pursue new challenges and accelerate our growth! - Comment from Keisuke Honda
I am honored to join teplo as an ambassador. I never thought I would get involved with a tea company, as I have always been a fan of espresso and coffee. However, I was deeply impressed by Mr. Kono’s dedication to tea and his passionate vision for challenging the world. I was also attracted to the global team-building aspect of the company. Personally, I look forward to exploring the魅力 of tea more deeply. - You can check the press release regarding Keisuke Honda’s appointment as teplo’s official ambassador here.
- Please apply for interviews here.