How to Drink Tea from a Lidded Teacup: What You Might Be Too Embarrassed to Ask Now


With the end of the pandemic, many of us are now seeing people face-to-face more often, right? When visiting a friend’s home or meeting with business clients, you may be served tea. Today, we’ll explain how to properly drink tea from a lidded teacup (yunomi) for guests.

Here’s how to properly drink tea from a lidded teacup (yunomi):

[When Tea is Served]

Before taking a sip, say Itadakimasu as a polite gesture.

[How to Open the Lid]

  1. Place your left hand on the tea saucer and use your right hand to hold the lid’s knob and lift it.
  2. Two key points:
  • Open the lid with the underside facing yourself.
  • Allow any droplets on the lid to fall into the teacup while opening.

These steps prevent steam or droplets from splashing onto others.

[How to Place the Lid]

Place the lid upside down on the right side of the teacup. If it’s unstable, it’s fine to rest it on the saucer. By placing it upside down, you avoid getting water droplets on the table.

[After Drinking]

Return the lid to its original position. Don’t forget to say Gochisousama or Arigatou gozaimashita to show appreciation.

How did that sound? It’s more about understanding the rationale behind each action rather than strict etiquette. Once you know the reasons, it’s easy to remember!

That’s how to enjoy tea from a lidded teacup.



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