I tried the canned chu-hi with black tea, BAR Pomum [Peach and Black Tea]!


As a Japanese tea instructor on the teplo staff, I tried Suntory’s BAR Pomum [Peach and Black Tea].

Since I’m always on the lookout for tea-related drinks and foods, I couldn’t resist picking this up when I found it at the convenience store.

As this is a peach and carbonated drink, I enjoyed it by pouring it into a champagne flute, just like when drinking a Bellini. When I opened the can, I was immediately greeted by the juicy aroma of peach! As I tasted it, the peach flavor spread throughout my mouth, with a refined tea aroma that lingered pleasantly in my nose. The aftertaste had a refreshing tea note and a slight astringency that worked really well.

Since it’s a peach-focused drink, it’s more about exploring and appreciating the subtle tea elements hidden within the peach flavor, rather than enjoying a strong tea taste. It was a learning experience to see how the addition of a little tea can refine the overall flavor so much.

I’ll continue to share any interesting tea-related drinks and foods I come across in the future.



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