
What is single-origin green tea? A clear explanation of the new wave in tea, with numbers to make it easy to understand.

The term “single origin” is often heard in the world of coffee. It refers to coffee made from a single variety grown on a single farm. Traditionally, coffee from various places was blended and shipped together, but with single-origin coffee, the traceability of the beans is ensured, allowing you to enjoy the unique flavor characteristics …

What is single-origin green tea? A clear explanation of the new wave in tea, with numbers to make it easy to understand. اقرأ المزيد »

Obtaining a Japanese Tea Instructor Certification

Are you familiar with the Japanese Tea Instructor certification? The Japanese Tea Instructor is, in a sense, a specialist qualification in Japanese tea. Contrary to what the name might suggest, it is quite challenging to obtain and is considered a rather rigorous certification. The Japanese Tea Instructor Association describes the Japanese Tea Instructor certification as …

Obtaining a Japanese Tea Instructor Certification اقرأ المزيد »

How to Make Truly Delicious Barley Tea? Introducing a Genuine Method for Making Barley Tea Using Whole Grain Barley.

This article As we have explained, there are several types of barley tea. Since I started writing about barley tea, I’ve found it so enjoyable that I’m writing a second article on the topic. Now, are you familiar with whole grain barley tea? It’s the kind sold in bags filled with whole barley grains, rather …

How to Make Truly Delicious Barley Tea? Introducing a Genuine Method for Making Barley Tea Using Whole Grain Barley. اقرأ المزيد »

What is the scent of Earl Grey? Here’s an explanation and a guide to making it deliciously.

Earl Grey tea has a wonderfully aromatic scent, doesn’t it? By the way, do you know what this scent is? The aroma you associate with Earl Grey tea is actually the scent of bergamot. Bergamot is not very familiar in Japan. It originates from Italy and is quite bitter, so it is rarely eaten raw. …

What is the scent of Earl Grey? Here’s an explanation and a guide to making it deliciously. اقرأ المزيد »

What is “tencha,” the raw material for matcha? Its characteristics and how to brew it deliciously.

What is the difference between matcha and powdered tea?This articleI explained this in the article. In this article, I will explain about tencha, the raw material for matcha. First, the kanji for “tencha” may not be very familiar. This kanji means “mill” or “to grind with a millstone.” Therefore, tencha refers to tea that is …

What is “tencha,” the raw material for matcha? Its characteristics and how to brew it deliciously. اقرأ المزيد »

The relationship between the whiskey “Cutty Sark” and tea

If you’re a fan of alcohol, you might have heard of the whiskey “Cutty Sark.” The name “Cutty Sark” comes from the ship depicted on the label, the “Cutty Sark,” and did you know that it has a deep connection with tea? In the 19th century, large sailing ships known as “clipper ships” were prominent. …

The relationship between the whiskey “Cutty Sark” and tea اقرأ المزيد »

The difference between matcha and powdered tea that you may be too embarrassed to ask now.

Do you know the difference between matcha and powdered tea? Many people might find it hard to distinguish between them when asked. This article explains the differences between matcha and powdered tea. The difference between matcha and powdered tea lies in the type of tea leaves used. Matcha is made from a type of tea …

The difference between matcha and powdered tea that you may be too embarrassed to ask now. اقرأ المزيد »

Let’s build a large and fast ship for tea! The foolish endeavor that led to the clipper ship.

This article As introduced in this article, the whiskey Cutty Sark is named after the Cutty Sark, a large sailing ship that was used to transport tea. The Cutty Sark was a tea clipper, a type of large sailing ship designed for carrying tea. In this article, we will share the story of how tea …

Let’s build a large and fast ship for tea! The foolish endeavor that led to the clipper ship. اقرأ المزيد »

Innovation, Surprise, Determination, and Competition: From the Birth of the Tea Clipper to the Tea Race

The Tea Clipper Series, which began with the whiskey Cutty Sark, explores how the clipper ships, born in America, shocked Britain and eventually evolved into the competitive Tea Race. This article will outline this progression. Previous articles in the Tea Clipper Series are as follows: The clipper ship “Clipper,” born from the foolishness of two …

Innovation, Surprise, Determination, and Competition: From the Birth of the Tea Clipper to the Tea Race اقرأ المزيد »

What does ‘Do not drink tea that’s been left overnight’ mean?

Are you familiar with the saying ‘Do not drink tea that’s been left overnight’? This article explains the meaning of the saying ‘Do not drink tea that’s been left overnight. The term “yoshiboshi” means “overnight,” and in this context, it refers to tea leaves. So, “Do not drink tea that’s been left overnight” means you …

What does ‘Do not drink tea that’s been left overnight’ mean? اقرأ المزيد »

What kind of tea is Yabukita? Introducing the history of Yabukita and its creator.

You might have heard of the tea variety “Yabukita.” As introduced in this article, Yabukita is the top tea variety in Japan, with 67.6% of the tea produced in Japan being Yabukita. This excellent variety was created by a person named Hikosaburo Sugiyama in 1908 and was registered as a variety by the Ministry of …

What kind of tea is Yabukita? Introducing the history of Yabukita and its creator. اقرأ المزيد »

The story of tea inspection conducted by teplo

At teplo, as shared in the series “The Making of teplo Official Tea Leaves,” we conduct tea inspections in several stages: finding new teas, determining tea leaf quantities and standard extraction times, and setting up algorithms for personalized extraction. We also perform quality checks on packaged tea. This article discusses how teplo conducts its tea …

The story of tea inspection conducted by teplo اقرأ المزيد »

What is hojicha?

Previous article In the previous article, we explained the differences between sencha and green tea. In this article, we will explain hojicha. To be precise, hojicha is indeed a type of green tea. You might be surprised since hojicha does not look green at all. So, why can hojicha be considered a type of green …

What is hojicha? اقرأ المزيد »

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