
What is single-origin green tea? A clear explanation of the new wave in tea, with numbers to make it easy to understand.

The term « single origin » is often heard in the world of coffee. It refers to coffee made from a single variety grown on a single farm. Traditionally, coffee from various places was blended and shipped together, but with single-origin coffee, the traceability of the beans is ensured, allowing you to enjoy the unique flavor characteristics …

What is single-origin green tea? A clear explanation of the new wave in tea, with numbers to make it easy to understand. Lire la suite »

Obtaining a Japanese Tea Instructor Certification

Are you familiar with the Japanese Tea Instructor certification? The Japanese Tea Instructor is, in a sense, a specialist qualification in Japanese tea. Contrary to what the name might suggest, it is quite challenging to obtain and is considered a rather rigorous certification. The Japanese Tea Instructor Association describes the Japanese Tea Instructor certification as …

Obtaining a Japanese Tea Instructor Certification Lire la suite »

How to Make Truly Delicious Barley Tea? Introducing a Genuine Method for Making Barley Tea Using Whole Grain Barley.

This article As we have explained, there are several types of barley tea. Since I started writing about barley tea, I’ve found it so enjoyable that I’m writing a second article on the topic. Now, are you familiar with whole grain barley tea? It’s the kind sold in bags filled with whole barley grains, rather …

How to Make Truly Delicious Barley Tea? Introducing a Genuine Method for Making Barley Tea Using Whole Grain Barley. Lire la suite »

What is the scent of Earl Grey? Here’s an explanation and a guide to making it deliciously.

Earl Grey tea has a wonderfully aromatic scent, doesn’t it? By the way, do you know what this scent is? The aroma you associate with Earl Grey tea is actually the scent of bergamot. Bergamot is not very familiar in Japan. It originates from Italy and is quite bitter, so it is rarely eaten raw. …

What is the scent of Earl Grey? Here’s an explanation and a guide to making it deliciously. Lire la suite »

What is « tencha, » the raw material for matcha? Its characteristics and how to brew it deliciously.

What is the difference between matcha and powdered tea?This articleI explained this in the article. In this article, I will explain about tencha, the raw material for matcha. First, the kanji for « tencha » may not be very familiar. This kanji means « mill » or « to grind with a millstone. » Therefore, tencha refers to tea that is …

What is « tencha, » the raw material for matcha? Its characteristics and how to brew it deliciously. Lire la suite »

The difference between matcha and powdered tea that you may be too embarrassed to ask now.

Do you know the difference between matcha and powdered tea? Many people might find it hard to distinguish between them when asked. This article explains the differences between matcha and powdered tea. The difference between matcha and powdered tea lies in the type of tea leaves used. Matcha is made from a type of tea …

The difference between matcha and powdered tea that you may be too embarrassed to ask now. Lire la suite »

Does green tea come blended?

This article explains about green tea blending, or « gouzu. » A common question from users is, « Is green tea blended? » Simply answering « Yes, it is blended » might not convey the significance of blending, so I also aim to explain the intent and importance of blending. In the Japanese tea industry, the blending of green tea is …

Does green tea come blended? Lire la suite »

Let’s build a large and fast ship for tea! The foolish endeavor that led to the clipper ship.

This article As introduced in this article, the whiskey Cutty Sark is named after the Cutty Sark, a large sailing ship that was used to transport tea. The Cutty Sark was a tea clipper, a type of large sailing ship designed for carrying tea. In this article, we will share the story of how tea …

Let’s build a large and fast ship for tea! The foolish endeavor that led to the clipper ship. Lire la suite »

Innovation, Surprise, Determination, and Competition: From the Birth of the Tea Clipper to the Tea Race

The Tea Clipper Series, which began with the whiskey Cutty Sark, explores how the clipper ships, born in America, shocked Britain and eventually evolved into the competitive Tea Race. This article will outline this progression. Previous articles in the Tea Clipper Series are as follows: The clipper ship « Clipper, » born from the foolishness of two …

Innovation, Surprise, Determination, and Competition: From the Birth of the Tea Clipper to the Tea Race Lire la suite »

What does ‘Do not drink tea that’s been left overnight’ mean?

Are you familiar with the saying ‘Do not drink tea that’s been left overnight’? This article explains the meaning of the saying ‘Do not drink tea that’s been left overnight. The term « yoshiboshi » means « overnight, » and in this context, it refers to tea leaves. So, « Do not drink tea that’s been left overnight » means you …

What does ‘Do not drink tea that’s been left overnight’ mean? Lire la suite »

How do you read tea leaves?

In this article, I will discuss the pronunciation of tea leaves. Many people might read it as (chaba). However, did you know that there is also the pronunciation « ちゃよう » (chayou)? (If you know this, you are probably involved in the tea industry.) As for me, I didn’t know the reading (chayou) until I started studying …

How do you read tea leaves? Lire la suite »

What kind of tea is Yabukita? Introducing the history of Yabukita and its creator.

You might have heard of the tea variety « Yabukita. » As introduced in this article, Yabukita is the top tea variety in Japan, with 67.6% of the tea produced in Japan being Yabukita. This excellent variety was created by a person named Hikosaburo Sugiyama in 1908 and was registered as a variety by the Ministry of …

What kind of tea is Yabukita? Introducing the history of Yabukita and its creator. Lire la suite »

The story of tea inspection conducted by teplo

At teplo, as shared in the series « The Making of teplo Official Tea Leaves, » we conduct tea inspections in several stages: finding new teas, determining tea leaf quantities and standard extraction times, and setting up algorithms for personalized extraction. We also perform quality checks on packaged tea. This article discusses how teplo conducts its tea …

The story of tea inspection conducted by teplo Lire la suite »

What is hojicha?

Previous article In the previous article, we explained the differences between sencha and green tea. In this article, we will explain hojicha. To be precise, hojicha is indeed a type of green tea. You might be surprised since hojicha does not look green at all. So, why can hojicha be considered a type of green …

What is hojicha? Lire la suite »

What is Sencha?

Sencha is a type of tea made from the new shoots of the tea plant, which are steamed, rolled, and then dried. Sencha can be categorized based on the steaming process, such as regular sencha or deep-steamed sencha.How long do you think sencha is typically steamed during production?About 30 seconds? 1 minute? 30 minutes? 1 …

What is Sencha? Lire la suite »

The differences between Yabukita green tea and Darjeeling black tea.

The difference between Yabukita green tea and Darjeeling black tea is, of course, the distinction between green tea and black tea. However, to avoid ending this explanation in just one line, let’s explore Yabukita and Darjeeling from a different perspective. First, Yabukita: This is the most widely cultivated tea variety in Japan, making up over …

The differences between Yabukita green tea and Darjeeling black tea. Lire la suite »

The statement « Green tea becomes black tea when fermented » is half true and half false.

« Both green tea, oolong tea, and black tea are made from the same tea leaves, and fermenting green tea turns it into black tea. » Since green tea, oolong tea, and black tea are all made from the leaves of Camellia sinensis, an evergreen tree in the Theaceae family, the first part of this sentence is …

The statement « Green tea becomes black tea when fermented » is half true and half false. Lire la suite »

What are the differences between Gyokuro, Kabusecha, and Sencha? A Clear Guide to Their Differences and How to Enjoy Them Deliciously

In this article, we will clearly explain the differences between Gyokuro, Kabusecha, and Sencha, as well as how to brew each of them deliciously. First, let’s look at the differences between them. As shown in the photo above, tea leaves grow vigorously when exposed to ample sunlight. The tea is made from these well-grown leaves, …

What are the differences between Gyokuro, Kabusecha, and Sencha? A Clear Guide to Their Differences and How to Enjoy Them Deliciously Lire la suite »

Characteristics of Oriental Beauty Tea and How to Brew It Deliciously

If you’ve ever traveled to Taiwan and bought or received Oriental Beauty Tea as a souvenir, you might be interested in this article. Here, we will introduce the characteristics of Oriental Beauty Tea and how to brew it deliciously. When it comes to the characteristics of Oriental Beauty Tea, the rich sweetness and aroma reminiscent …

Characteristics of Oriental Beauty Tea and How to Brew It Deliciously Lire la suite »

What is tea scenting?

Have you ever felt soothed or uplifted by the flavor of tea when you drank it? Aroma is one of the essential elements of tea. There are two types of aromas in tea: the natural aroma of the tea itself and the added aroma, known as « scenting » ( chakko). First, let’s talk about the natural …

What is tea scenting? Lire la suite »

Gyokuro and Sencha’s Best Features? Characteristics and Delicious Brewing of Kabusecha

In this article** »As introduced in this article, kabusecha is made through a process of shading the tea leaves from sunlight for about 3 to 10 days before harvesting. Kabusecha can be considered a middle ground between gyokuro, which is shaded for 20 to 30 days before harvesting, and sencha, which is not shaded. Therefore, it …

Gyokuro and Sencha’s Best Features? Characteristics and Delicious Brewing of Kabusecha Lire la suite »

Margaret’s Hope Tea Estate Darjeeling Tea: Its History and How to Brew It Deliciously

Darjeeling tea is renowned worldwide. In this article, we will introduce the characteristics and history of the « Margaret’s Hope Tea Estate » in Darjeeling, India, as well as how to brew it deliciously. The History and Origin of the Name « Margaret’s Hope » In the 1930s, Margaret, the daughter of the estate’s owner, visited the tea estate …

Margaret’s Hope Tea Estate Darjeeling Tea: Its History and How to Brew It Deliciously Lire la suite »

The Burgundy of Chinese Tea? Features and Best Brewing Methods of Keemun Tea, One of the World’s Top Three Black Teas

Many people might not associate China with black tea, but Keemun tea from Qimen County in Anhui Province, located west of Shanghai, is considered one of the world’s top three black teas, alongside Darjeeling and Uva. Keemun can also be referred to as Qimen, Keemon, or Kaimen. In this article, we’ll introduce the features and …

The Burgundy of Chinese Tea? Features and Best Brewing Methods of Keemun Tea, One of the World’s Top Three Black Teas Lire la suite »

Excellent with meals too! The characteristics and delicious brewing method of deep-roasted hojicha

Many people might have experienced the comfort of sipping hojicha after a meal when dining out. Hojicha, often enjoyed in the evening, has the characteristic of containing less caffeine compared to other green teas. It is typically made by roasting bancha or stems, which already have lower caffeine content, and the high-temperature roasting process further …

Excellent with meals too! The characteristics and delicious brewing method of deep-roasted hojicha Lire la suite »

Green tea with a cherry blossom scent? The characteristics and best brewing methods for Shizu 7132.

« Shizu 7132 » is a green tea known for its cherry blossom scent. Although the name « Shizu 7132 » might sound somewhat informal compared to other varieties like « Yabukita » or « Saemidori, » this is because « Shizu 7132 » was originally a management number used at the Shizuoka Tea Experiment Station in the 1960s. Originally, « Shizu 7132 » was a variety …

Green tea with a cherry blossom scent? The characteristics and best brewing methods for Shizu 7132. Lire la suite »

Legendary Green Tea? Characteristics of Pan-Fired Green Tea and How to Brew It Deliciously

In Japan, the common method for producing green tea involves steaming the leaves. However, tea that is pan-fired using a kettle called a « kama » instead of steaming is known as pan-fired tea. The process of pan-firing removes the green, grassy taste inherent in fresh leaves and creates a toasty aroma known as « kama-ka » or « kama-kou. » …

Legendary Green Tea? Characteristics of Pan-Fired Green Tea and How to Brew It Deliciously Lire la suite »

One of China’s Top Ten Teas: Characteristics and Delicious Brewing Method of Tie Guan Yin Oolong Tea

You might have heard of Tie Guan Yin, a type of oolong tea, at least once. Tie Guan Yin oolong tea is one of China’s Top Ten Teas, known for its rich flavor, clean aftertaste, and fruity, aromatic scent. This article will introduce the characteristics of Tie Guan Yin oolong tea and how to brew …

One of China’s Top Ten Teas: Characteristics and Delicious Brewing Method of Tie Guan Yin Oolong Tea Lire la suite »

Representative of Ceylon Black Tea: Characteristics of Nuwara Eliya Tea and How to Brew It Deliciously

You might have heard the term « Ceylon tea » before, but do you know where Ceylon is? In fact, Ceylon is an island in the Indian Ocean that was originally a British colony. It gained independence as Ceylon in 1948 and was renamed the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka in 1972. So, Ceylon tea refers …

Representative of Ceylon Black Tea: Characteristics of Nuwara Eliya Tea and How to Brew It Deliciously Lire la suite »

What does domestically-produced oolong tea taste like? Introducing the characteristics of domestically-produced oolong tea and how to brew it deliciously.

Many people might think of China or Taiwan as the main regions for oolong tea production. However This article As introduced earlier, green tea, oolong tea, and black tea all come from the same plant. While certain tea varieties are better suited for oolong tea, it is possible to produce oolong tea in Japan as …

What does domestically-produced oolong tea taste like? Introducing the characteristics of domestically-produced oolong tea and how to brew it deliciously. Lire la suite »

Once you’re hooked, it can be addictive? Introducing the characteristics of Pu-erh tea and how to brew it deliciously.

Pu-erh tea is This article Pu-erh tea is classified as a post-fermented tea, which is made by fermenting the tea leaves with mold for several months or more after processing. Pu-erh tea, with its scents of bark, straw, and smokiness, might be compared to a tea with elements similar to whiskey. While it may not …

Once you’re hooked, it can be addictive? Introducing the characteristics of Pu-erh tea and how to brew it deliciously. Lire la suite »

What kind of tea is Rooibos Tea? Characteristics and How to Brew It Deliciously

Recently, Rooibos tea has become increasingly common in cities, so let’s introduce its characteristics and how to brew it deliciously. Rooibos tea has a color similar to black tea, but unlike green tea, oolong tea, or black tea which are made from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant, Rooibos tea is made from a …

What kind of tea is Rooibos Tea? Characteristics and How to Brew It Deliciously Lire la suite »

What’s the difference between Green Rooibos Tea and Rooibos Tea? Characteristics of Green Rooibos and How to Brew It Deliciously

Have you recently come across a tea called Green Rooibos? Previously Characteristics of Rooibos Tea and How to Brew It Deliciously I introduced Rooibos tea before, but in this article, I’ll explain the differences between Green Rooibos and Rooibos, as well as the characteristics and how to brew Green Rooibos deliciously. First, let’s discuss the …

What’s the difference between Green Rooibos Tea and Rooibos Tea? Characteristics of Green Rooibos and How to Brew It Deliciously Lire la suite »

What is the definition of « shincha » (new tea)? Introducing Japan and the world’s new tea situations.

Around May to June, you often start hearing the word « shincha » (new tea). Have you ever wondered what exactly defines shincha? In this article, we will introduce the definition of shincha and the new tea situations around the world. The definition of « shincha » (new tea) refers to tea made from the first buds harvested that …

What is the definition of « shincha » (new tea)? Introducing Japan and the world’s new tea situations. Lire la suite »

Is Hojicha low in caffeine? A comparison of caffeine content between Sencha and Hojicha.

The roasted aroma and gentle sweetness unique to Hojicha are truly delightful. Hojicha, often enjoyed after meals or at night, raises the question: is it low in caffeine? In this article, we’ll answer the simple question, « Is Hojicha low in caffeine? » To get straight to the point, Hojicha does contain caffeine. According to the Ministry …

Is Hojicha low in caffeine? A comparison of caffeine content between Sencha and Hojicha. Lire la suite »

What is White Tea? An Introduction to the Characteristics of White Tea and Recommended Brewing Methods

White tea, which is primarily produced in China’s Fujian and Hunan provinces, is a type of Chinese tea that is rare and not commonly seen in Japan. A major characteristic of white tea lies in its production process. Unlike green tea, oolong tea, and black tea, which involve a process called rolling ( junen) where …

What is White Tea? An Introduction to the Characteristics of White Tea and Recommended Brewing Methods Lire la suite »

Black tea and « black tea » are different things! A trivia guide to tea classifications and nomenclature

Have you ever heard of the term « black tea » ? You might have seen it on tea you received as a souvenir from China or Taiwan. While translating directly to English would be « Black Tea, » black tea and « black tea » are actually different things. Black tea is This article In the types of tea introduced …

Black tea and « black tea » are different things! A trivia guide to tea classifications and nomenclature Lire la suite »

The Characteristics and Origin of Nilgiri Tea: A Gift from South India

For tea enthusiasts, today we delve into the world of Nilgiri tea, a popular choice known for its neutral flavor and versatility. Grown in the highlands of South India, Nilgiri tea is enjoyed by people all around the globe. This article explores the origin of Nilgiri tea and the unique characteristics that make it so …

The Characteristics and Origin of Nilgiri Tea: A Gift from South India Lire la suite »

The Three Classifications of Ceylon Tea: Introducing the Characteristics and Main Production Regions of High Grown, Mid Grown, and Low Grown

Did you know that Ceylon tea can be classified into three categories? Grown across various regions of Sri Lanka, Ceylon tea is divided into High Grown, Mid Grown, and Low Grown based on the altitude at which it is cultivated. Each classification has its own unique flavor and aroma, offering a variety of ways to …

The Three Classifications of Ceylon Tea: Introducing the Characteristics and Main Production Regions of High Grown, Mid Grown, and Low Grown Lire la suite »

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