We’ve discussed hojicha before. Today, I’ll talk about the benefits of hojicha.
The aroma of freshly brewed hojicha is wonderfully soothing. Hojicha has scientifically backed benefits, including relaxation effects.

Hojicha is made by roasting green tea leaves, and the roasted aroma contains pyridine, a fragrant compound that has relaxing effects and can improve circulation. Pyridine is also found in other aromatic and pleasantly scented items such as coffee, chocolate, bonito flakes, and grilled meat.
Hojicha contains theanine, an amino acid found in all types of tea. Theanine is associated with the umami and sweetness of tea. It has relaxing effects, improves sleep, alleviates cold sensitivity, and enhances concentration.
The refreshing and comforting hojicha has impressive benefits. How about trying it during your relaxation time?
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