
Keisuke Honda has been appointed as the official ambassador for teplo.

Professional soccer player, coach, and entrepreneur Keisuke Honda has been appointed as the official ambassador for teplo starting January 2023. 著者情報/ teploについて teploは「美味しいお茶を世界中に届ける」というミッションを掲げるお茶のブランドです。 お茶メディアの運営、茶葉の買付・販売、お茶の抽出機の開発・販売、飲食店にむけたお茶のメニュー開発・レシピ開発等を総合的にサポートしています。 おすすめ記事 最新記事

teplo received the Excellence Award at the 2022 Tokyo Venture Technology Awards.

The “teplo teapot” received the Excellence Award at the 2022 Tokyo Venture Technology Awards. The award ceremony took place on October 19, 2022, where our company representative, Kono, was presented with a certificate and trophy by Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike. Additionally, after the ceremony, Governor Koike visited teplo’s exhibition booth and experienced the personalized extraction …

teplo received the Excellence Award at the 2022 Tokyo Venture Technology Awards. Read More »

The reason teplo started making carafes

The “teplo cold brew carafe,” which went on sale in July 2022, is designed for cold brewing. Even though the carafe incorporates technological elements such as notifications about the optimal drinking time via apps and emails, and a tea subscription service, it is still more analog compared to previous teplo products like the IoT-enabled “teplo …

The reason teplo started making carafes Read More »

What types of tea cannot be extracted with the teplo teapot?

This article introduces why the teplo teapot can brew a variety of teas, including green tea, black tea, Chinese tea, and herbal tea, deliciously. While the teplo teapot can handle a wide range of teas effectively, like other teapots and tools, it has its strengths and limitations. This article will discuss the types of tea …

What types of tea cannot be extracted with the teplo teapot? Read More »

The Reason teplo Started Developing Personalized Extraction

One of the very unique features of the teplo teapot is the world’s first “Personalized Extraction.” With Personalized Extraction, before brewing your tea, you select your desired mood using a smartphone app, and then place your finger on the teapot’s sensor to measure metrics such as your pulse. Based on these results, the teapot adjusts …

The Reason teplo Started Developing Personalized Extraction Read More »

Efforts to Deliver teplo Official Tea Leaves in a Fresh State

At teplo, we deliver our official tea leaves in single-serving packs. In the previous article, we explained the reasons for offering tea leaves in single-serving packs from the perspective of numerical control. In this article, we will introduce the efforts involved in tea leaf manufacturing to ensure that each single-serving pack is delivered in a …

Efforts to Deliver teplo Official Tea Leaves in a Fresh State Read More »

Why teplo Official Tea Leaves are Packaged in Single-Infusion Packs

At teplo, we deliver our official tea leaves in single-serving packs. In this article, we will explain the reasons why we provide our tea in these single-infusion packs When engineers from Japan and India began developing teplo, they hypothesized that “human control over numerical values for making delicious tea might not be the best approach.” …

Why teplo Official Tea Leaves are Packaged in Single-Infusion Packs Read More »

Teplo Official Tea Leaf Characteristics – We Deliver Non-Scented Tea

Previously, we introduced the concept of scented tea leaves, and we believe that scenting tea has been a significant aspect of tea’s history. A popular tea that most people have heard of, “Earl Grey,” is an example of tea scented with citrusy bergamot. Scenting tea has become so common that some people may not even …

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Does tea have more caffeine than coffee? Investigating the urban legends about caffeine.

Have you ever heard someone say, “Tea has more caffeine than coffee”? When I heard this, I was half surprised and half skeptical. So, in this article, I will use data to unravel the theory that “tea has more caffeine than coffee.” This time, from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.The 2020 …

Does tea have more caffeine than coffee? Investigating the urban legends about caffeine. Read More »

Which nationality drinks the most tea in the world: Chinese or Japanese?

When asked about the people who drink the most tea, many might think of the Chinese or Japanese. For the third installment of our data-driven verification series, we looked into this topic. Part 1: Does tea have more caffeine than coffee? Verifying urban legends about caffeine. Part 2: Is oolong tea the most consumed tea …

Which nationality drinks the most tea in the world: Chinese or Japanese? Read More »

Teplo has been selected as one of the ‘100 Amazing Ventures’ by Toyo Keizai.

Teplo was selected in the ‘Lifestyle’ category of the ‘100 Amazing Ventures 2022 Edition’ featured in the September 12, 2022, issue of Weekly Toyo Keizai. We have a vision directly linked to “delivering delicious tea” as part of daily life, and we view hardware and technology as means to achieve this. In this selection process, …

Teplo has been selected as one of the ‘100 Amazing Ventures’ by Toyo Keizai. Read More »

Tea leaves are a hassle to clean up—why does teplo still insist on using them?

In the tea experience, cleaning up tea leaves is one of the more troublesome steps. Using tea bags or powdered ingredients instead of loose leaves would make cleanup much easier, but with teplo official tea leaves, we deliberately choose to deliver loose tea leaves. In this article, we will explain why teplo is committed to …

Tea leaves are a hassle to clean up—why does teplo still insist on using them? Read More »

Can’t Ask Now? When is the 88th Night Counted From? Guidelines for Tea Picking

“Summer is Approaching, the 88th Night~♪” This tea-picking song is familiar to everyone in Japan, but from when do we start counting to the 88th Night? This article will explain the 88th Night. To be precise, the “88th Night” refers to the 88th day counted from the beginning of spring. Since the beginning of spring …

Can’t Ask Now? When is the 88th Night Counted From? Guidelines for Tea Picking Read More »

teplo Teapot Selected for JIDA Design Museum Selection!

The teplo Teapot has been selected for the “JIDA Design Museum Selection Vol.23,” hosted by the Japan Industrial Designers’ Association (JIDA). As a startup company, being recognized with such a major design award alongside major manufacturers is incredibly gratifying and humbling. [Comments from the Evaluation Committee]“This product uses AI and sensors to brew tea perfectly …

teplo Teapot Selected for JIDA Design Museum Selection! Read More »

Various Names for Tea Around the World: Are There Different Names Based on Land Routes and Sea Routes?

In Japanese, tea is called “茶 (cha),” and in English, it’s “tea.” While the spelling and intonation differ slightly, most countries around the world use terms that are close to one of these two names. In this article, we’ll discuss the different ways tea is referred to. Tea originated in China and spread to various …

Various Names for Tea Around the World: Are There Different Names Based on Land Routes and Sea Routes? Read More »

The Story of Tea Tourism

Tea is produced all over Japan, regardless of scale. In this line of work, I often feel that tea takes me to various places across the country, as I get to visit many regions thanks to tea. In this article, I will talk a little about tea tourism. Tea tourism refers to travel motivated by …

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When do tea flowers bloom?

Have you ever seen a tea flower? Tea flowers are white and quite charming. In this article, I’ll discuss when tea flowers bloom and why they are not commonly seen. Tea flowers bloom around October to November (tea plants are considered a late autumn seasonal word). They are small, modest, and charming flowers that bloom …

When do tea flowers bloom? Read More »

Everyone loves barley tea! Did you know there are different types of barley tea?

Barley tea, a summer staple. It’s a familiar drink for many Japanese people. However, not many may know that there are actually different types of barley tea. In this article, we will introduce the types of barley used in barley tea and the differences in their flavors. The types of barley used in barley tea …

Everyone loves barley tea! Did you know there are different types of barley tea? Read More »

What kind of tea is butterfly pea tea? Explanation of its characteristics and how to brew it deliciously.

Are you familiar with butterfly pea tea? Its beautiful blue color and the fascinating way it changes color have made it quite popular recently. In this article, I will explain the characteristics of butterfly pea tea and how to brew it deliciously. Actually, butterfly pea tea is not made from the leaves of the tea …

What kind of tea is butterfly pea tea? Explanation of its characteristics and how to brew it deliciously. Read More »

What is single-origin green tea? A clear explanation of the new wave in tea, with numbers to make it easy to understand.

The term “single origin” is often heard in the world of coffee. It refers to coffee made from a single variety grown on a single farm. Traditionally, coffee from various places was blended and shipped together, but with single-origin coffee, the traceability of the beans is ensured, allowing you to enjoy the unique flavor characteristics …

What is single-origin green tea? A clear explanation of the new wave in tea, with numbers to make it easy to understand. Read More »

Obtaining a Japanese Tea Instructor Certification

Are you familiar with the Japanese Tea Instructor certification? The Japanese Tea Instructor is, in a sense, a specialist qualification in Japanese tea. Contrary to what the name might suggest, it is quite challenging to obtain and is considered a rather rigorous certification. The Japanese Tea Instructor Association describes the Japanese Tea Instructor certification as …

Obtaining a Japanese Tea Instructor Certification Read More »

How to Make Truly Delicious Barley Tea? Introducing a Genuine Method for Making Barley Tea Using Whole Grain Barley.

This article As we have explained, there are several types of barley tea. Since I started writing about barley tea, I’ve found it so enjoyable that I’m writing a second article on the topic. Now, are you familiar with whole grain barley tea? It’s the kind sold in bags filled with whole barley grains, rather …

How to Make Truly Delicious Barley Tea? Introducing a Genuine Method for Making Barley Tea Using Whole Grain Barley. Read More »

What is the scent of Earl Grey? Here’s an explanation and a guide to making it deliciously.

Earl Grey tea has a wonderfully aromatic scent, doesn’t it? By the way, do you know what this scent is? The aroma you associate with Earl Grey tea is actually the scent of bergamot. Bergamot is not very familiar in Japan. It originates from Italy and is quite bitter, so it is rarely eaten raw. …

What is the scent of Earl Grey? Here’s an explanation and a guide to making it deliciously. Read More »

What is “tencha,” the raw material for matcha? Its characteristics and how to brew it deliciously.

What is the difference between matcha and powdered tea?This articleI explained this in the article. In this article, I will explain about tencha, the raw material for matcha. First, the kanji for “tencha” may not be very familiar. This kanji means “mill” or “to grind with a millstone.” Therefore, tencha refers to tea that is …

What is “tencha,” the raw material for matcha? Its characteristics and how to brew it deliciously. Read More »

The difference between matcha and powdered tea that you may be too embarrassed to ask now.

Do you know the difference between matcha and powdered tea? Many people might find it hard to distinguish between them when asked. This article explains the differences between matcha and powdered tea. The difference between matcha and powdered tea lies in the type of tea leaves used. Matcha is made from a type of tea …

The difference between matcha and powdered tea that you may be too embarrassed to ask now. Read More »

Does green tea come blended?

This article explains about green tea blending, or “gouzu.” A common question from users is, “Is green tea blended?” Simply answering “Yes, it is blended” might not convey the significance of blending, so I also aim to explain the intent and importance of blending. In the Japanese tea industry, the blending of green tea is …

Does green tea come blended? Read More »

Innovation, Surprise, Determination, and Competition: From the Birth of the Tea Clipper to the Tea Race

The Tea Clipper Series, which began with the whiskey Cutty Sark, explores how the clipper ships, born in America, shocked Britain and eventually evolved into the competitive Tea Race. This article will outline this progression. Previous articles in the Tea Clipper Series are as follows: The clipper ship “Clipper,” born from the foolishness of two …

Innovation, Surprise, Determination, and Competition: From the Birth of the Tea Clipper to the Tea Race Read More »

Let’s build a large and fast ship for tea! The foolish endeavor that led to the clipper ship.

This article As introduced in this article, the whiskey Cutty Sark is named after the Cutty Sark, a large sailing ship that was used to transport tea. The Cutty Sark was a tea clipper, a type of large sailing ship designed for carrying tea. In this article, we will share the story of how tea …

Let’s build a large and fast ship for tea! The foolish endeavor that led to the clipper ship. Read More »

What does ‘Do not drink tea that’s been left overnight’ mean?

Are you familiar with the saying ‘Do not drink tea that’s been left overnight’? This article explains the meaning of the saying ‘Do not drink tea that’s been left overnight. The term “yoshiboshi” means “overnight,” and in this context, it refers to tea leaves. So, “Do not drink tea that’s been left overnight” means you …

What does ‘Do not drink tea that’s been left overnight’ mean? Read More »

How do you read tea leaves?

In this article, I will discuss the pronunciation of tea leaves. Many people might read it as (chaba). However, did you know that there is also the pronunciation “ちゃよう” (chayou)? (If you know this, you are probably involved in the tea industry.) As for me, I didn’t know the reading (chayou) until I started studying …

How do you read tea leaves? Read More »

What kind of tea is Yabukita? Introducing the history of Yabukita and its creator.

You might have heard of the tea variety “Yabukita.” As introduced in this article, Yabukita is the top tea variety in Japan, with 67.6% of the tea produced in Japan being Yabukita. This excellent variety was created by a person named Hikosaburo Sugiyama in 1908 and was registered as a variety by the Ministry of …

What kind of tea is Yabukita? Introducing the history of Yabukita and its creator. Read More »

The story of tea inspection conducted by teplo

At teplo, as shared in the series “The Making of teplo Official Tea Leaves,” we conduct tea inspections in several stages: finding new teas, determining tea leaf quantities and standard extraction times, and setting up algorithms for personalized extraction. We also perform quality checks on packaged tea. This article discusses how teplo conducts its tea …

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What is hojicha?

Previous article In the previous article, we explained the differences between sencha and green tea. In this article, we will explain hojicha. To be precise, hojicha is indeed a type of green tea. You might be surprised since hojicha does not look green at all. So, why can hojicha be considered a type of green …

What is hojicha? Read More »

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