The story of tea inspection conducted by teplo


At teplo, as shared in the series « The Making of teplo Official Tea Leaves, » we conduct tea inspections in several stages: finding new teas, determining tea leaf quantities and standard extraction times, and setting up algorithms for personalized extraction. We also perform quality checks on packaged tea. This article discusses how teplo conducts its tea inspections.

What we prioritize in tea inspection is maintaining consistent conditions as much as possible. We strive to keep the time of inspection, room brightness, room temperature, humidity, and noise levels as uniform as possible. We also pay attention to ensuring that everyone’s level of hunger is similar when conducting the inspection.

Many of our staff involved in tea inspections enjoy strong flavors and spicy foods, such as coffee, chocolate, garlic dishes, and spicy foods. Since strong flavors and stimulants can affect the tea inspection, we adjust our diets on inspection days to minimize any impact.

Lastly, let’s delve a bit into the timing of the inspections. A few years ago, we visited the Asahi Beer Ibaraki Factory, a shareholder of our company, to observe their beverage manufacturing and quality control practices. We learned that they set their sensory testing time in the evening because hunger can enhance taste sensitivity. Following this practice, we also schedule our inspections for 5 PM.

Drinking tea on an empty stomach can lead to a direct hit of caffeine, which in some cases might cause stomach pain. So, it might be better to avoid an empty stomach when enjoying tea.



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