Are you familiar with the saying ‘Do not drink tea that’s been left overnight’? This article explains the meaning of the saying ‘Do not drink tea that’s been left overnight.

The term « yoshiboshi » means « overnight, » and in this context, it refers to tea leaves. So, « Do not drink tea that’s been left overnight » means you should not drink tea made from tea leaves that have been left for one night.
This saying has been passed down as a piece of traditional wisdom, and there is scientific evidence to support it. The spoilage (or decay) of tea leaves is caused by microorganisms that break down proteins, leading to deterioration. Catechins, which have antimicrobial properties, are water-soluble and leach out from the tea leaves when brewing, but proteins remain insoluble and stay in the tea leaves even after brewing.
Additionally, microorganisms proliferate explosively when they have the three essential elements: nutrients, temperature, and moisture. Once hot water has been added to tea leaves, they contain proteins (nutrients), moisture, and are at an optimal temperature, making them prone to spoilage.
Tea leaves that have been left for a long time may be spoiled and oxidized, affecting their flavor. Therefore, it is best to use fresh tea leaves for your next brew.