
Le thé Oolong est-il le thé le plus consommé en Chine ? – Non, c’est le thé vert.

C’est une série (je ne sais pas si elle deviendra vraiment une série) qui se permet d’utiliser des données pour vérifier des informations et des légendes urbaines liées au thé, que nous avons cru à travers nos sens. En dans le dernier numéro, Nous avons examiné la teneur en caféine du thé et du café …

Le thé Oolong est-il le thé le plus consommé en Chine ? – Non, c’est le thé vert. Lire la suite »

The teplo teapot was featured on « TOKIO Terrace, » hosted by Taichi Kokubun!

On July 22, 2023, the teplo teapot was featured on MBS’s « TOKIO Terrace » as one of the standout startup products. The show covered the development of the teplo teapot and its usage, and we had the opportunity to prepare personalized tea for the show’s host, Taichi Kokubun, tailored to his mood and condition. Both the …

The teplo teapot was featured on « TOKIO Terrace, » hosted by Taichi Kokubun! Lire la suite »

Keisuke Honda has been appointed as the official ambassador for teplo.

Professional soccer player, coach, and entrepreneur Keisuke Honda has been appointed as the official ambassador for teplo starting January 2023. 著者情報/ teploについて teploは「美味しいお茶を世界中に届ける」というミッションを掲げるお茶のブランドです。 お茶メディアの運営、茶葉の買付・販売、お茶の抽出機の開発・販売、飲食店にむけたお茶のメニュー開発・レシピ開発等を総合的にサポートしています。 おすすめ記事 最新記事

teplo received the Excellence Award at the 2022 Tokyo Venture Technology Awards.

The « teplo teapot » received the Excellence Award at the 2022 Tokyo Venture Technology Awards. The award ceremony took place on October 19, 2022, where our company representative, Kono, was presented with a certificate and trophy by Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike. Additionally, after the ceremony, Governor Koike visited teplo’s exhibition booth and experienced the personalized extraction …

teplo received the Excellence Award at the 2022 Tokyo Venture Technology Awards. Lire la suite »

Does tea have more caffeine than coffee? Investigating the urban legends about caffeine.

Have you ever heard someone say, « Tea has more caffeine than coffee »? When I heard this, I was half surprised and half skeptical. So, in this article, I will use data to unravel the theory that « tea has more caffeine than coffee. » This time, from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.The 2020 …

Does tea have more caffeine than coffee? Investigating the urban legends about caffeine. Lire la suite »

Which nationality drinks the most tea in the world: Chinese or Japanese?

When asked about the people who drink the most tea, many might think of the Chinese or Japanese. For the third installment of our data-driven verification series, we looked into this topic. Part 1: Does tea have more caffeine than coffee? Verifying urban legends about caffeine. Part 2: Is oolong tea the most consumed tea …

Which nationality drinks the most tea in the world: Chinese or Japanese? Lire la suite »

Teplo has been selected as one of the ‘100 Amazing Ventures’ by Toyo Keizai.

Teplo was selected in the ‘Lifestyle’ category of the ‘100 Amazing Ventures 2022 Edition’ featured in the September 12, 2022, issue of Weekly Toyo Keizai. We have a vision directly linked to « delivering delicious tea » as part of daily life, and we view hardware and technology as means to achieve this. In this selection process, …

Teplo has been selected as one of the ‘100 Amazing Ventures’ by Toyo Keizai. Lire la suite »

Let’s build a large and fast ship for tea! The foolish endeavor that led to the clipper ship.

This article As introduced in this article, the whiskey Cutty Sark is named after the Cutty Sark, a large sailing ship that was used to transport tea. The Cutty Sark was a tea clipper, a type of large sailing ship designed for carrying tea. In this article, we will share the story of how tea …

Let’s build a large and fast ship for tea! The foolish endeavor that led to the clipper ship. Lire la suite »

Innovation, Surprise, Determination, and Competition: From the Birth of the Tea Clipper to the Tea Race

The Tea Clipper Series, which began with the whiskey Cutty Sark, explores how the clipper ships, born in America, shocked Britain and eventually evolved into the competitive Tea Race. This article will outline this progression. Previous articles in the Tea Clipper Series are as follows: The clipper ship « Clipper, » born from the foolishness of two …

Innovation, Surprise, Determination, and Competition: From the Birth of the Tea Clipper to the Tea Race Lire la suite »

What kind of tea is Yabukita? Introducing the history of Yabukita and its creator.

You might have heard of the tea variety « Yabukita. » As introduced in this article, Yabukita is the top tea variety in Japan, with 67.6% of the tea produced in Japan being Yabukita. This excellent variety was created by a person named Hikosaburo Sugiyama in 1908 and was registered as a variety by the Ministry of …

What kind of tea is Yabukita? Introducing the history of Yabukita and its creator. Lire la suite »

Why tea stains don’t stick to teacups when using a dishwasher?

Has anyone noticed that their tea stains on teacups have become less of an issue since they started using a dishwasher instead of handwashing? In fact, this is due to the chemical properties of tea stains and dishwasher detergents.This article We’ve discussed methods for removing tea stains from teeth, but in this article, we’ll explore …

Why tea stains don’t stick to teacups when using a dishwasher? Lire la suite »

Is Hojicha low in caffeine? A comparison of caffeine content between Sencha and Hojicha.

The roasted aroma and gentle sweetness unique to Hojicha are truly delightful. Hojicha, often enjoyed after meals or at night, raises the question: is it low in caffeine? In this article, we’ll answer the simple question, « Is Hojicha low in caffeine? » To get straight to the point, Hojicha does contain caffeine. According to the Ministry …

Is Hojicha low in caffeine? A comparison of caffeine content between Sencha and Hojicha. Lire la suite »

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