
The teplo teapot was featured in the food magazine « Ryori Okoku »!

In the October 2023 issue of the food magazine « Ryori Okoku, » the teplo teapot was featured in the special section on cutting-edge food tech that chefs should know about. The article can be read both in the magazine and online. If you’re interested, please check it out! おすすめ記事 最新記事 著者情報/ teploについて teploは「美味しいお茶を世界中に届ける」というミッションを掲げるお茶のブランドです。 お茶メディアの運営、茶葉の買付・販売、お茶の抽出機の開発・販売、飲食店にむけたお茶のメニュー開発・レシピ開発等を総合的にサポートしています。 teploのメールマガジンに登録 お茶に関する旬な情報や豆知識を漏れなく受け取りたい!そんな方は以下の登録フォームでメールアドレスをご登録ください。teploから最新の情報をメールマガジンでお送りいたします。 …

The teplo teapot was featured in the food magazine « Ryori Okoku »! Lire la suite »

The teplo teapot was featured on « TOKIO Terrace, » hosted by Taichi Kokubun!

On July 22, 2023, the teplo teapot was featured on MBS’s « TOKIO Terrace » as one of the standout startup products. The show covered the development of the teplo teapot and its usage, and we had the opportunity to prepare personalized tea for the show’s host, Taichi Kokubun, tailored to his mood and condition. Both the …

The teplo teapot was featured on « TOKIO Terrace, » hosted by Taichi Kokubun! Lire la suite »

The teplo teapot was featured on « Mezamashi TV »!

On June 22, 2023, the teplo teapot appeared on the « Mezamashi TV » segment « Yatte Seika! » on Fuji TV. In this episode, Fuji TV announcer Seika Inoue explored various crowdfunding-based innovative products available at Futakotamagawa Tsutaya Electrics. You can also watch it on YouTube, so feel free to check it out! Announcer Inoue experienced the personalized …

The teplo teapot was featured on « Mezamashi TV »! Lire la suite »

The Reason teplo Started Developing Personalized Extraction

One of the very unique features of the teplo teapot is the world’s first « Personalized Extraction. » With Personalized Extraction, before brewing your tea, you select your desired mood using a smartphone app, and then place your finger on the teapot’s sensor to measure metrics such as your pulse. Based on these results, the teapot adjusts …

The Reason teplo Started Developing Personalized Extraction Lire la suite »

Does personalized extraction really change the taste?

This article In the article that introduced the development of personalized extraction, you might be curious about how much the taste of tea actually changes when controlling extraction temperature and time. Of course, we are also very interested and conduct daily research on this. The personalized extraction feature is a world-first, and if not implemented …

Does personalized extraction really change the taste? Lire la suite »

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