“Summer is Approaching, the 88th Night~♪”
This tea-picking song is familiar to everyone in Japan, but from when do we start counting to the 88th Night? This article will explain the 88th Night.

To be precise, the “88th Night” refers to the 88th day counted from the beginning of spring. Since the beginning of spring is February 4th, the 88th Night falls on May 2nd (or May 1st in a leap year). After the 88th Night, the full-fledged new tea season begins.
Incidentally, tea picked on the 88th Night is said to be auspicious. Although the harvest timing can vary slightly by region, around the 88th Night is generally considered the peak season for tea, so not only is it considered lucky, but it also tends to be high-quality tea.
Even though early February is quite cold, it’s also delightful to sip a warm cup of tea while thinking about the new tea season.