
[ظهور إذاعي] سيمثل ممثل شركتنا، كونو-بي، في برنامج “SEVEN BANK GLOBAL BUSINESS CHARGE” على J-WAVE!

سيمثل ممثل شركتنا، كونو-بي، في برنامج “SEVEN BANK GLOBAL BUSINESS CHARGE” على J-WAVE. سيتحدث عن مستقبل الشاي مع السيد ساتوشي نيشيوكي، المبشر في مايكروسوفت اليابان. من المقرر أن تُبث الحلقة لمدة 10 دقائق يوميًا من 4 مارس (الاثنين) إلى 7 مارس (الخميس) من الساعة 21:35 إلى 21:45. يرجى الانضمام إلينا! (انقر على الصورة أدناه للوصول …

[ظهور إذاعي] سيمثل ممثل شركتنا، كونو-بي، في برنامج “SEVEN BANK GLOBAL BUSINESS CHARGE” على J-WAVE! اقرأ المزيد »

نحن نشارك في “معرض التصميم الجيد لأسلوب حياة فوق الخمسين 2023” في متجر سيبو إكيبوكورو الرئيسي!

سيضم معرض “تصميم جيد لتصميم الحياة للأعمار فوق الخمسين 2023” في متجر سيبو إكيبوكuro الرئيسي منتجات teplo الحائزة على جوائز. ستُعرض أوراق الشاي الرسمية لدينا و”إبريق التبريد البارد teplo”، وكلاهما حاصل على جائزة التصميم الجيد لعام 2023، من 20 أكتوبر إلى 5 نوفمبر. يركز معرض Good Over50’s على “تحقيق الذات في الحياة البالغة”، ويسلط الضوء …

نحن نشارك في “معرض التصميم الجيد لأسلوب حياة فوق الخمسين 2023” في متجر سيبو إكيبوكورو الرئيسي! اقرأ المزيد »

معروض في معرض جائزة التصميم الجيد “GOOD DESIGN EXHIBITION 2023”!

أوراق الشاي الرسمية من teplo و كاراف خاص لشاي التبريد “كاراف التبريد من تيبلو” ذكرنا في مدونة حديثة أن منتجين لدينا حصلا على جائزة التصميم الجيد لعام 2023. من اليوم، 25 أكتوبر (الأربعاء) حتى 29 أكتوبر (الأحد)، ستقام “معرض التصميم الجيد 2023” في طوكيو ميدتاون، حيث سيتم عرض جميع الفائزين بجائزة التصميم الجيد لعام 2023. …

معروض في معرض جائزة التصميم الجيد “GOOD DESIGN EXHIBITION 2023”! اقرأ المزيد »

That’s fantastic news! Congratulations on the feature in the Nikkei newspaper. It’s a great recognition for LOAD&ROAD and teplo. How did the feature come about?

Congratulations on the feature in the Nikkei! It’s fantastic to see LOAD&ROAD and teplo getting such recognition. If you have a link to the article or any highlights you’d like to share, I’d be happy to check them out! That sounds exciting! Ito En is known for its high-quality tea, so a collaboration with them …

That’s fantastic news! Congratulations on the feature in the Nikkei newspaper. It’s a great recognition for LOAD&ROAD and teplo. How did the feature come about? اقرأ المزيد »

Why Tea Extraction Involves Steeping

“‘Steeping time’ refers to the period you wait after pouring hot water over the tea leaves. Besides ‘steeping time,’ other terms such as ‘infusion time’ and ‘extraction time’ are also used to describe this period. Let’s revisit the meanings of ‘steeping,’ ‘infusion,’ and ‘extraction.’” I went to the library to look up the meanings of …

Why Tea Extraction Involves Steeping اقرأ المزيد »

Decaf, Caffeine-Free, and Non-Caffeinated: Understanding the Labels on Tea’s Caffeine Content

When watching commercials for tea or coffee, you might notice a growing interest in caffeine. Today, let’s discuss the somewhat confusing labels related to caffeine in tea. In Japan, there are currently no guidelines for caffeine labeling on tea, but I’d like to clarify the general usage of caffeine-related labels for tea. Caffeine labels on …

Decaf, Caffeine-Free, and Non-Caffeinated: Understanding the Labels on Tea’s Caffeine Content اقرأ المزيد »

What are the beneficial effects of hojicha?

We’ve discussed hojicha before. Today, I’ll talk about the benefits of hojicha. The aroma of freshly brewed hojicha is wonderfully soothing. Hojicha has scientifically backed benefits, including relaxation effects. 【Pyridine】Hojicha is made by roasting green tea leaves, and the roasted aroma contains pyridine, a fragrant compound that has relaxing effects and can improve circulation. Pyridine …

What are the beneficial effects of hojicha? اقرأ المزيد »

Efforts to Deliver teplo Official Tea Leaves in a Fresh State

At teplo, we deliver our official tea leaves in single-serving packs. In the previous article, we explained the reasons for offering tea leaves in single-serving packs from the perspective of numerical control. In this article, we will introduce the efforts involved in tea leaf manufacturing to ensure that each single-serving pack is delivered in a …

Efforts to Deliver teplo Official Tea Leaves in a Fresh State اقرأ المزيد »

Why teplo Official Tea Leaves are Packaged in Single-Infusion Packs

At teplo, we deliver our official tea leaves in single-serving packs. In this article, we will explain the reasons why we provide our tea in these single-infusion packs When engineers from Japan and India began developing teplo, they hypothesized that “human control over numerical values for making delicious tea might not be the best approach.” …

Why teplo Official Tea Leaves are Packaged in Single-Infusion Packs اقرأ المزيد »

Teplo Official Tea Leaf Characteristics – We Deliver Non-Scented Tea

Previously, we introduced the concept of scented tea leaves, and we believe that scenting tea has been a significant aspect of tea’s history. A popular tea that most people have heard of, “Earl Grey,” is an example of tea scented with citrusy bergamot. Scenting tea has become so common that some people may not even …

Teplo Official Tea Leaf Characteristics – We Deliver Non-Scented Tea اقرأ المزيد »

Tea leaves are a hassle to clean up—why does teplo still insist on using them?

In the tea experience, cleaning up tea leaves is one of the more troublesome steps. Using tea bags or powdered ingredients instead of loose leaves would make cleanup much easier, but with teplo official tea leaves, we deliberately choose to deliver loose tea leaves. In this article, we will explain why teplo is committed to …

Tea leaves are a hassle to clean up—why does teplo still insist on using them? اقرأ المزيد »

How teplo Official Tea Leaves Are Made: Part 2

We introduce the following three processes involved in creating teplo official tea leaves, one by one, over three articles: In the previous article, we discussed the process of finding candidate tea leaves for teplo official tea. In this article, we will cover the process of determining the amount of tea leaves and standard extraction conditions, …

How teplo Official Tea Leaves Are Made: Part 2 اقرأ المزيد »

How Teplo Official Tea Leaves Are Made: Part 3

We have introduced the process of creating Teplo Official Tea Leaves in three parts: In the previous article, we covered the process of determining the amount of tea leaves and standard extraction conditions, which are crucial for extraction. In this article, we will introduce the process of setting up the personalization extraction algorithm, which is …

How Teplo Official Tea Leaves Are Made: Part 3 اقرأ المزيد »

The story of tea inspection conducted by teplo

At teplo, as shared in the series “The Making of teplo Official Tea Leaves,” we conduct tea inspections in several stages: finding new teas, determining tea leaf quantities and standard extraction times, and setting up algorithms for personalized extraction. We also perform quality checks on packaged tea. This article discusses how teplo conducts its tea …

The story of tea inspection conducted by teplo اقرأ المزيد »

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